Please Select your Classes
For families with Multiple students, you will need to register each student separately. You will receive an updated tuition amount prior to the first payment being due which will reflect the multiple family member discount. Students are evaluated each year, and may be placed in a class not originally selected. You will be contacted if there are any changes that need to be made.
This page will direct you to a page to pay the registration fee online. If you do not want to checkout online, please print out the paper form and mail the form to us.
If you have any questions, please use our contact page and ask for assistance.
Instructor Key: (Dawn Glass--DG, Hope Vonsas -- HV, Noline Edmond -- NE, Sarah Flynn-- SF, Jordan Shrader JS, Brittney Geppi BG, Staff - S)
This page will direct you to a page to pay the registration fee online. If you do not want to checkout online, please print out the paper form and mail the form to us.
If you have any questions, please use our contact page and ask for assistance.
Instructor Key: (Dawn Glass--DG, Hope Vonsas -- HV, Noline Edmond -- NE, Sarah Flynn-- SF, Jordan Shrader JS, Brittney Geppi BG, Staff - S)